では、靴の中はどのように手入れすればよいのでしょうか。裏地の革の通気性に影響を与える革の毛穴を埋めない製品を使用することが重要です。したがって、ニュートラルな靴クリームなどは理想的ではありません。何らかのコンディショナーまたはレザーローションを選択してください。理想的にはワックスを含まないものです.これにはサフィール、コロニール、ブーツ ブラックのレザー ローションを使用しましたが、すべてうまくいきました。塗りやすく、革の裏地やインソールにもなじみ、しっとりとすっきり。アッパー レザーにローションを使用する場合と同じように、ごく少量の製品を綿の布に指に巻き付け、非常に薄い層で扱います。難しいところはつま先まで届くように、紐を外して楽に、布をペンなどにつけて使います。中敷きや中敷きのお手入れもお忘れなく。その後、シューツリーを使わずに靴を一晩乾かして、革がローションを適切に吸収できるようにします。靴の使用頻度にもよりますが、定期的にこれを行います.
Hi! This is a great tip for prolonging the shoes’ longevity! I was just wondering, would it be alright to use Saphir Renovateur to clean/condition the inside of the shoes? What’s the difference between using the lotion and renovateur then? Thanks!
Ernest: Thanks! I would not recommend renovateur, it’s a product that also has some ingredients for protection, which in general means that it fills up pores and/or is placed as a thin cover of the leather. Lotion only goes into the leather to treat and moisturise, it’s not for protection, shine in the same way, hence better for treating the lining. Actually Saphir’s lotion which is used here isn’t the best, there’s other’s that’s better, though not as accessible.
What a great tips and detail you shared! Such a awesome information. Thank you so much for sharing this post..
Thanks so much for the clarification. Can you help me understand why Saphir lotion is not the best for moisturing the insole? Could you also share what are some other leather lotions brands that can do a better job? Thanks!
Kan man använda Bick 4 för insidan av skorna?
I would also like to know why Saphir lotion is not the best and what you would recommend. Really appreciate the article, this is not something Ive thought of before.
Sports manufacturers: Cheers!
Ernest and Arya: Saphir’s lotion has some ingredients for protection and shine, which isn’t ideal when it comes to treating the inside, still works fine though. The product I use the most now is Boot Black Rich Moisture, it’s almost only nourishing, which is better in this case.
Andreas: Det finns bättre produkter, som är inne på i inlägg och kommentarerna så är det bättre med en produkt som bara återfuktar och vårdar, Bick 4 har lite för mycket av ingredienser som också ska ge skydd och glans.
Hi Jesper ! I’ve noticed that my dress shoes have a kind of suede finish at the inside of the heel, should I still treat them with the Saphir lotion ?
RRP: It’s quite common to have suede part at the heel, there you shouldn’t use lotion or similar.
Then, is there anything I can do to clean and nourish that part ? the same as with suede uppers ?