影響する 1 つの側面は、靴にどれだけのステッチがあるかです。縫い目が少しまとまっている部分もありますが、ここでの革の重なりについても言えます。これは、一般に、いわば1枚の革の場合よりも伸びが少ないことを意味します.そのため、ホールカットは通常、フルブローグよりも少し伸びますが、縫い目も伸びます. 一部の人々の考えに反して、フルブローグも伸びても問題ありません.
ここでは素材も重要です。典型的な例はハンガリーのヴァスです。滑らかな革の靴は非常に丈夫で長持ちするため、原則として比較的ほとんど伸びませんが、引っ張り強度の低いスエードとコードバンは長持ちせず、両方とも認識されることがよくあります。同じサイズで同じラストで作られているにもかかわらず、滑らかな革の靴よりも大きく、さらに伸びる傾向があります(コードバンではありませんが、ギブがほとんどないためです).また、型押しされたグレイン レザーは、すべての型押しを取り除かないように、少し柔らかく伸ばされることがよくあります。上記のことは工場で作られた靴にも当てはまりますが、一部の手で長持ちするケースよりも少し小さい違いになる可能性がありますが、それでも非常に目立つ.
使用される構築方法も、何らかの役割を果たすことができます。非常に柔らかいコルクを詰めたグッドイヤー ウェルテッド シューズは、履き込むと時間の経過とともに少し圧縮され、特に空洞が最も大きい靴の最も幅の広い部分でより多くのスペースができます。ハンド ウェルト、ブレイク/ラピッド ステッチ、またはブレイク ステッチの靴は、ここではそれほど変化しません。これらの靴には同じように沈まない小さな空洞があるためです。ただし、詰め物と革のインソールもよく成形されます。ある程度圧縮します。
Great info, but difficult to read. I love shoes and read every blog post I find, and that was an English teacher’s nightmare.
Interesting article. I have recently purchased a second hand pair of Cheaney 2-eyelet derbys. They are a 10 F UK size. I, over lock down (ahem), have found my feet to have become slightly wider: I’m most probably a 10 G UK. The Cheaney shoes in question have given my blisters on both little toes! Agony as I love the shoes (I brought them back from the dead as a botched refinish job had messed the colour up. I renovated them and they look very nice. I’ve considered stretching them to a G width but am concerned it might not work. I’ll be doing a bit of research, starting with re-reading this article before I make a decision to stretch….
Mario: I know the article might have one or two issues for a native English speaker, But forgive me for saying – Jesper is doing a sterling job considering he’s Swedish! I’m impressed with non-native English speakers who can not only speak English, but write essays and articles in English.
Mario: Sorry, this article was translated from its original Swedish version using DeepL, then I just went through it quickly. Tight with time today, if I can I’ll go through it more properly later today. Normally I write the English articles from scratch first (and then translate to Swedish for the .se site), and I believe they are a bit “less bad” then, but being a non-native English speaker I’m afraid there will always be language errors here.
Anthony: If it’s just the pinky toes that are tight, it’s usually no problem to stretch that part out just behind the toe stiffener. Take them to a cobbler and hear what he/she says about it.
Also thanks for thinking I write decent, as I write above will never be perfect I’m afraid 🙂
Jesper: Thanks for the advice; I think I will try my cobbler. Jesper, you write more than decent 🙂
Whenever I hear about stretching and shrinking I remember the bespoke Brighton gentleman who regularly shrinks and stretches his shoes by inches – length wise too….although I watch him regularly this is still a very mysterious thing, as when I even would like 1mm room or shrink I am not able to get this. Any chance to interview him for your fine blog?
Peter: I’ve written about his Youtube channel before on the blog: https://jp.shoegazing.com//2018/08/06/the-web-tip-bespoke-addicts-youtube-channel/
If it’s for example bespoke shoes with real leather heel and toe stiffeners, you can slightly shorten them in length, but not much, certainly not inches. And when shrinking shoes, as I write in the article: “Leather that shrinks in this way also tends to stretch back again more easily (hence Lee Morrison often repeats the process over the years)”.