イギリスの有名な靴ブランド、Church’s Footwearが苦境に立たされている。2020年に不本意な結果に終わった後、新しいアプローチを試みるために昨年約40~50%の値上げを行い、その結果さらに57%の売上減となった。つまり、わずか2年後に81%もの黒字化を達成し、損失は莫大なものとなっている。問題は、彼らが事態を好転させることができるかどうかである。
先週、教会の 2021 年の完全なアカウントが公開されました。これも衝撃的な読み物でした.最初はかなりの数値になりますが、よろしくお願いします。創業 149 年の同社の昨年の売上高は 610 万ポンドで、この額は 40 年以上も下落していません。パンデミック前の 2019 年には、3,200 万ポンドを超える収益がありましたが、それでも 1,000 万ポンド近くの大きな損失がありました (同社は長年にわたって利益を上げていません)。
パンデミックが発生した 2020 年には、売上高が 1,420 万ポンドに落ち込み、税引前損失は 1,600 万ポンドになりました。どうやら、会社は何かをしなければならないと感じていたようで、彼らは確かに何かをしました。問題のある動きとして、彼らは全面的に 40 ~ 50% の値上げを行いました。これは昨年 4 月のことです ここに書きました。多くの靴会社にとって、ビジネスは 2021 年の後半に少し回復し始めましたが、新しい価格では、チャーチの場合は確かにそうではありませんでした.売上高の低さを除けば、税引き前の損失は 53% 増加し、なんと 2,470 万ポンドに達しました。これは、例えば Daily Mail はについて書いています。会社の状況について話したいという彼らの記者の 1 人から電話があったので、彼らは Church’s のフォローアップ記事に取り組んでいるようです.
イタリアの高級ブランド、プラダが1999年にチャーチを買収し、徐々にファッション志向のものを導入し始めたとき(クラシックなものは常に残っていたとしても)、多くの靴オタクがこの会社から離れていったのはよく知られていることである。私は、彼らが今、常にこのブランドと共にあり、新しい靴が必要なときにこのブランドに戻り続けてきた継続的なロイヤルカスタマーを過小評価していたと信じている。これらの多くは、おそらく極端な価格上昇があまりにも多く、クロケット & ジョーンズ、Cheaney または Loake のようなブランドで代わりに見ることを感じた。私は後者の古い教会の常連客で取得の小売業者から話を聞いたことがあります。逆に、高級品の買い物客を過大評価していたようです。新しい価格にはそれほど敏感ではありませんでしたが、ブランドが考えていたほどには興味を示しませんでした。
In the late 80’s I bought my first pair of Church Consuls at the NYC store. A few years later they opened an outlet in Darien, Connecticut. Picked up about eight pairs at $185USD. They all now have a nice home in Back Bay, Boston. Most were u worn when I gifted them, Fond memories.
Church’s makes such beautiful shoes, I really hope they can turn things around.
Probably not a coincidence that Cheaney’s new styles are copies of Church’s Grafton and Shannon …
Churchs without doubt make magnificent footwear, but the naivety of thinking sales will increase by making them even more exclusive beggars belief.
Competition out there is tough in ANY sector, so pricing yourself out? Terrible move.
When I first heard about Church’s re-pricing (via Jesper’s past article), I wondered how the ‘Heritage’ brand would compare to the relative newcomers such as Carmina, Carlos Santos, TLB et al in the quality shoe market. Why would you spend £800 plus when you consider the market in 2022?
I have 2 pairs of pre-Prada Church’s shoes I bought on the second-hand market, I am quite fond of them as the last shape suits my feet (wide and flat!). I’m not one who will buy British to be loyal for loyal’s sake; however, I hope Church’s brand survives….
Very informative read, Jesper, and the recent publication of accounts on Companies House is very telling. Profits at Church’s has, unfortunately, been on a downward trajectory for some time. Perhaps, it is the perceived support of the Prada group that motivated them to try various other non-Northampton-based products (e.g. sneakers, leather accessories), but the truth is, these other lines probably didn’t perform as well as they hoped.
And, I suspect the recent re-pricing strategy is to try to bolster profits by relying on the East Asian or Middle Eastern markets, where they thought their products were more price inelastic (for one reason or another). But maybe this didn’t work out and, at the same time, they lost a bunch of consumers in Europe.
I hope they can get back to their roots, but Crockett has grown so strong now and taken a hold of that niche. So, I don’t know…
^^^Thanks for your comments everyone! Yeah certainly hope they will prevail.
Eric Thullieux: Hehe yeah I thought about that as well, and that they made them in polished binder as well 🙂
William Wong: No problem to try out other things as well, many others do that too, I think issue is the lack of development and focus on the quality stuff they were known for that’s been the issue.
You’re probably right that they though a lot about EA and ME luxury shoppers with the new pricing strategy.
On Crockett, they seem to have seen a bit of a belayed pandemic hit, where they stayed levelled 2020 but for last year saw sales drop with 58%. For most others the drop came earlier, albeit continued in 2021, think it’s only Loake who’ve managed to retain sales between 2020 and 2021.
I first read about Church’s price increase in this well informed blog. I had my doubts that this would work. This is a tragic management mistake.
As a shoe fan, here would be my game plan-
1. Launch a new line that is based on what the traditional Church buyer always bought. Price it reasonably. That way they capture the traditional clients back. Without launching a new line, they could just drop prices of their standard line. But somehow they need to win back the traditional buyers.Dropping prices is always a tricky U-turn.
2. Increase the pitch of their welt stitch – simple, but the major drawback of a Church IMHO is the large welt stitch (low stitch per inch) – simple visual fix.
3. High end shops in the Middle/Far east if loss making need to be closed – by selling to other shops would still keep the perception of the brand.
4. Instead of trying to complete with the upper end (EG, GG), launch a range of `essentials` – something shoe buyers need for special occasions – interviews, weddings, funerals etc. – a black cap toe, a brown brogue, a black semi-brogue perhaps. These would be shoes anyone who went into a store would think ” I need one of those”, and market it as such.
Basically, Church needs to win back their market share as the `go-to` shoe shop. Trying to compete at the top-end was a big mistake, but no doubt Todds inspired.
The above is a quick over-coffee expression of personal views, interested to hear what others think!
Custom grade classics: mostly uninspiring lasts, uncomfortable soles (both rubber and leather), large welt stitch (structurally ok, but not nice on city shoes), unrefiened heel (vintage Church’s have really nice welts and heels), open channel soles (a rarety for calf at this price point). The uppers have a nice stitch density, lining is so so and the shoes feel relatively sturdy.
These classics won’t interest the new consumers of dress shoes. Most traditional costumers can’t afford them or/and know very well that there are better shoes at this price point. And these classics must have little appeal to the nouveau riches, who buy less and less this type of footwear anyway: no red soles, visible logos, flashy design, etc. I doubt they will even have much interest in their Crown and Royal lines, but it would be interesting to know how these lines are performing.
I doubt Church’s will be saved by their unexciting 840 euros sneackers with visible logos or fashion foward shoes.