少し前、EbayでAlfred Sargent Handgrade Bensonを激安で購入しました。ASのようなあまり大きくないブランドの靴で、本当にボロボロなものは、それほど高くは売れないのです。でも、シンプルな愛情とケアで、彼らは再び本当に素敵な姿になりました。これは、その違いを示す一連の写真です。


This is how they looked when I got them. The previous owner obviously didn't treat them too well, they had a lot of scuffs and the sole edges looked quite terrible.



The way the soles were worn it looked to me as they had been used a lot in wet weather, rather than have been worn for a long period of time.


Here all the old cream and polish have been stripped off, they have been thoroughly washed and then let dry.


And voilà, after a proper shoe care session they look like this. Nothing special used, just four thin layers of pigmented cream to really cover up all the scuffs, and then some wax polish.


Here they are out in daylight.




The waist have been treated with black shoe cream, the rest of the bottom with neutral cream.


And finally some pics of them on the feet.


