ビスポーク シューズのさまざまなメーカーの価格の概要を知りたい場合は、多くの調査が必要です。今日まで。これは、世界中の約50のビスポーク靴メーカーの価格をまとめたものです.
自分のウェブサイト上の価格を示す驚くほど少数のオーダーメイドの靴屋があります。 それは多くの場合、提供されるすべての機会の説明であり、注文と製造プロセスは、多くの場合、オーダーメイドの靴に興味を持っているほとんどの人が、オンラインで研究していることはすでによく知っていますが、価格は多くの場合、サイトの訪問者が探しているものだけである可能性があります。運がなければ。 Bespokeを購入する顧客が価格やそれが何であるか(多くの場合真実かもしれませんが、他の多くの場合はまったくそうではありません)に多かれ少なかれ無
オーダーメイドの靴の注文を考えている人、見た目が好きで面白いと思うメーカーをいくつか見つけてから、価格を見つけようとする人にとって、オプションは、グーグル を開始して、スタイルフォーラム のスレッドで適切な情報を見つけようとすることです。または同様のことを行うか、製造元に連絡して質問してください。
だから、ここで助けるために、私は私が価格を知っているオーダーメイドの靴のすべてのメーカーの要約をまとめました。 それは特に明記されていない限り、完全なオーダーメイドの開始価格(すなわちMTM/セミビスポークまたは類似のものではない)であり、最初のペアでラスト作成に余分な たとえば、継手の作り方、まったく行われているかどうか、ifラストシューツリーが含まれているかどうか、そしてもちろん最終製品の品質など、さまざまなも 価格はおおよそのものであり、場合によっては古くなっている可能性があるため、エラーが発生した場合はすべての読者が修正することを歓迎します。もちろん、より多くのメーカーとその価格に関する情報を提供し、コメントフィールドに書き込んでください。途中で記事を更新します(したがって、これはオーダーメイドの靴ブランドの完全なリストではありませんが、リストに含まれている価格を知っていた、または見つけることができるメーカーです)。
Carréducker– €3,400 / £3,100
Foster & Son – €4,350 / £3,950
Gaziano & Girling – 最初のペア €5,450 / £4,950 (連続ペア €4,350 / £3,950) – バイヤーズ ガイド パート 1、パート 2、パート 3、< a href=”http://shoegazing.com/2017/03/27/report-gaziano-girling-bespoke-part-4/”>パート 4、 パート 5
George Cleverley – €3,850 / £3,500
John Lobb Ltd. – € 5,300 / £4,850
Nicholas Templeman – €3,550 / £3,250 – レポート
Aubercy – €4,900
Berluti – €6,000
Corthay – €5,300
Crockett & Jones (Dimitri Gomez) – €3,500
Gerald Thibaut – €1,600
John Lobb Paris – €6,000
Philippe Atienza – €4,800
Mazzaro – €6,000
Stephane Jimenez – €6,000
Antonio Meccariello – €2,500 – バイヤーズ ガイド (スウェーデン語)</ >
Carlino – €1,800
Il Micio – €3,500 – Report
Mannina – €1,400 – Report
Mario Bemer – €2,400
Paulo Scafora – €2,300
Riccardo Bestetti €2,600 – 報告、購入者ガイド (スウェーデン語)
Roberto Ugolini€1,500 – レポート
Saskia Wittmer – 最初のペア €2,100 (連続ペア € 1,700)
Stefano Bemer – €3,600 – レポート
Ann – €2,500 / 320,000円
Bolero – €2,500 / 320,000 円 (連続ペア € 2,100 / 270,000円)
Clematis Ginza – €2,900 / 370,000 円 – レポート
Guild of Crafts – €3,400 / 440,000円
Hiro Yanagimachi – 最初のペア €3,100 / 400,000 円 (連続ペア €1,950 / 250,000 円) – バイヤーズガイド
マンドール – €2,500 / 320,000円 – 報告する
Marquess– 3,250 ユーロ / 420,000 円 – レポート
Spigola – €3,400 / 440,000 円
TYEシューメーカー – €2,600 / 330,000 円 – レポート
Yohei Fukuda – €3,500 / 450,000 円 – レポート、バイヤーズガイド
Brunon Kaminski (ポーランド) – €750 / 3,100 PLY
E. Vogel(アメリカ) – €1,450 / $1,700 – レポート (スウェーデン語)
Jan Kielman(ポーランド) – €850 / 3,500 PLY – バイヤーズ ガイド (スウェーデン語)
Klemann (ドイツ) – €2,500
Maftei (オーストリア) – €1,100 – バイヤーズ ガイド (スウェーデン語)
Materna(オーストリア) – €1,400
Melker Shoes & Boots(スウェーデン) – €2,900 / 27,500 SEK – レポート (スウェーデン語)
Norman Vilalta (スペイン) – €3,500
Ramon Cuberta (スペイン) – €2,050
Scheer (オーストリア) – €5,000
Skomakeri Framåt (スウェーデン) – €2,900 / 27,500 SEK
Tadeusz Januskiewicz(ポーランド) – €650 / 2,700 PLY
I believe the prices for the Austrian shoemakers are not correct (maybe one less zero).
Dennis: Thanks, corrected it (the price for Scheer was right though, they are quite expensive).
There is Carlino as italian shoemaker too. Theyr price is like 1200€ for first pair. Here the website to check theyr works: http://www.calzoleriacarlino.com
Main D`Or has increased his prices at last (pun intended), and the price does not include the price of the last (price depends on style), whereas Marquess I believe includes a last – I`m always surprised by the price of the Japanese makers – I`m believing that these prices can only go up over the next few years – Main D`Or now has years in backlog, and at that price, it does not surprise me!
You forgot the obvious Saint Crispins and Vass, although I don’t know their prices.
Chiara: Cheers, added them.
Peter: Aha, yes was about time, Eiji was very cheap. Do you know what the prices are now? When I ordered it was 290 000 yen plus extra for shoe trees, but lastmaking was included. All prices are intended to include lastmaking, and then if I know that they remove a sum for coming pairs I’ve stated this.
Paul: Saint Crispin’s I couldn’t find a recent price stated for their bespoke (they make very few full bespoke pairs nowadays), and Vass doesn’t make bespoke (although they call it this), only MTM/Semi bespoke where a standard last is modified. They stopped doing full bespoke many years ago.
Good day,
Corthay currently starts at 5,300 Euro.
Parker: Thanks, will update that!
When I ordered from Ugolini last Dec it was €1600 and should be 1700 by now.
Great overview. When I was in John Lobb ( St James st. ) in June they said 4000 quid for the first and then 500 Quid for the 2nd order.
here is so beautiful posting and this is very nice ever ,
thank for this shoe ,
mansi desai
I came across this blog looking for a picture (I don’t visit blogs very often).
Some shoemakers are missing in France :
– Eric Devos
– Clairvoy
– Philippe Atienza
– Massaro
– Didier Martinez
– Gerald Thibaud
This is DImitri Gomez (“i” missing) and Stéphane JimEnez (an “e” instead of an “i”).
Some shoemakers are also missing in Japan, Germany, China…
I don’t give the prices for these shoemakers because prices change following the patern of the pair, following the construction, following the year… And mostly because I have noticed that many people see the price first and are not able to see the difference between a 1500 euros pair made by an italian shoemaker and a 4000 euros pair made by a french or japanese shoemaker.
Alexis Boniface
Don: Thanks! I’m quite certain that their price is correct, and 500 quid for second pair sounds unrealistic.
Mansi Desai: Big thanks!
Alexis Boniface: Thanks for input! As mentioned, I’ve only listed makers that I know of and could find prices of, so not stated it’s a definite list (hence why I encourage readers to help me fill up the list). Of the ones you mentioned Atienza I forgot about, and rest didn’t think about/didn’t know of. Added the ones I found prices for. For Didier Martinez, does he run his own business now, since left Aubercy? Can’t find any info.
As I also mention in the text above, I only state starting prices and you should be aware of differences between all makers, this is supposed to be a price guide since it’s something so many people ask about.
Just went to visit Pierre Corthay’s workshop in Paris and was quoted €6100.
Great article. I was curious how much John Lobb was charging these days. I had 2 pairs made in the year 2000. I believe they roughly cost around $2,500 per pair. The first one cost more.
“Lenz” in Frankfurt @ Germany starts with 2000€. Average price will prolly be around 3000€. Of course everything depends on material, and the type of shoe you want. Full bespoke. Second pair of shoes is only 300€ cheaper as the first one.
Münchener Str. 36, 60329 Frankfurt am Main
Very useful article. Thank you!
I wonder why no mention of James Taylor of Marylebone, London? £1950 for a very thorough bespoke process and not at all focussed on orthopaedic foot ware these days.
Many thanks for the article.
Had learned quite a bit about the bespoke shoes before, but simply didn’t know that there are so many producers in the word for such a niche market.
Pleasantly surprised!!
Would like to report that GG charges a 500 GBP premiun on boots (approx. case dependant). Also more measurements and fittings.
Paolo scafora now starts at €2300
Philippe Atienza now starts at €4800.
Nicolas: Thank you, updated!
You’re welcome Jesper (just my 2 cents) oh and by the way for Paolo Scafora it’s €2,300 and not €12,300 😉
Where can one get Paolo Scafora bespoke ? Does he visit USA? or must one go to Italy for his services ?
Nicolas: Oh of course, typo, corrected now!
Steven: Not sure if he does US trunk shows, but you can order on trunk shows and in Italy. Probably best to contact them directly.
What about Trickers Bespoke shoes in London/Northampton?
Hi. Just commissioned a pair of bespoke shoes from Ramon Cuberta. Price is now €2900
There’s also Italian Shoe Factory in Dubai, their Bespoke Made to Measure shoes start at 1200 USD and the quality is stunning! https://www.italianshoefactory.com
Hello everybody,
Did anyone try Mannina (from Florence)?
How many fittings do they do?
Thank you very much 🙂
Mihai: Haven’t tried them personally, but think they do one fitting. Here’s an article about them: https://jp.shoegazing.com//2016/12/04/report-mannina/
Tadeusz Januszkiewicz is spelled this way Jesper 🙂
There is also Karol Stanios (https://stanios.pl) in Krakow, Poland.