そこで、ブルゴールと全く同じ製品を別の名前で出したのが、シーゴールである。この製品を使ったことのある人なら、缶やブラシなどのシリーズに見覚えがあるはずです。例えば、クリームはワックスの含有量が少なく、クラストレザーのシワに鮮やかな筋が入りやすいので、クラストレザーに使用すると非常に良い。まだ新しい会社なので、Siegolは比較的アクセスしにくく、ウェブサイトさえありません(読者からの訂正:どうやら現在、SIegol.de に独自のサイトがあるようです。英語版はまだ正しくソートされていませんが、ここで全商品を見ることができます)しかし、例えばスイスのオンラインストアSancho Storeは幅広い商品を販売しています。今後、Siegolをうまく立ち上げてくれることを期待したい。良いものであるという事実は、すでに確立されている。
I hope more online retailers that ships globally starts selling Siegol so I can get the authentic stuff.
I am really interested in the Shoe Creams and Yak Hair Brush.
Philip: Yeah, and apparently they do have their own site (just didn’t find it through Google, but got a tip from a reader), at Siegol.de. English version a bit behind, but full range is there.
Too bad they don’t ship to Southeast Asia.
The company has it’s own website, but only in german so far: http://www.siegol.ch
There also is a Webshop and links to Retailshops in Germany and Belgium.
By the way: I have a Yak hair brush in use: it simply is breathtaking! Give it a try and you’ll see: it’s a class of it’s own!
Thanks for the info. I am now more excited about the yak hair brush
I may opt to buy Burgol’s Yak hair brush instead. Siegol’s webshop does not respond to emails requesting assistance with payment processing errors. A pity.
Olivier S,
Finally got my Siegol Yak Hair Brush, 2 actually. However, I have to say I am not impressed w/ the shine it produces. I used it on my shoe that I have just mirror shined and it removed/ damaged the shine. The shine I get from the Yak hair is about the same as my horsehair brushes. Thankfully a dab of water and some good elbow grease w/ my microfiber cloth restored the shine. I have to wonder if I am using the Yak Hair brush wrong, I apply the same pressure as my other brushes, Horsehair and goat hair.
I currently prefer Kirby Allison’s Hanger Project branded Goat Hair Brush as it produces a better shine at a fraction of the cost, USD 16 as I recall.
My process is that I usually use horsehair then goat hair after the shoe cream is absorbed by the shoe then apply wax polish then buff w/ goat hair then use water & a microfiber cloth.
My understanding of the yak hair brush is that it only for taking fine dust off shoes . Like you have used them all day and still need to attend a business dinner in the evening and do not have time to carry out the full performance . The others and cloths are for the bigger purpose.