ブランドです。 ミールマン
モデル 101482
レザー タンカントリーカーフ
サイズ UK10
価格: 160ユーロ (試着品)
Meerminsの靴は、Albaladejoファミリーが数年にわたり、中国人に伝統的な靴の製造方法を教えるために尽力した中国の工場で製造されています。その後、仕上げはスペインで行われる。おそらく、Made in Spainのスタンプを押せるようにしたいからだろうが、このプロセスについては議論が分かれるかもしれない。しかし、中国での生産はミーアミンの宣伝にはならないにしても、今まで秘密にしようとしたことはないだろう。
MeerminのスタンダードなClassicコレクション(価格160ユーロ/約185ドル)は、グッドイヤーウェルト製法で、このラインではスプリットスエードを使用し、ヒールスティフナーは熱可塑性樹脂で作られています。一方、トップモデルのLinea Maestro(260ユーロ/約300ドル)は、ハンドウェルテッド、ハンドラスト、板革ヒールスティフナー、スエードの場合はリバースカーフで作られています。この価格帯では珍しく、特にハンドウェルテッドであることが特徴です。もちろん、中国生産と直販戦略がこの価格を可能にしているのだろう。また、ノルウェー製のステッチシューズや日本製のシェルコードバンを使用したものもある。
Meerminは近年、納期の長さに悩まされてきたが、別のタイプのMTOに変更することで部分的に解決した。ここでは、ClassicとLinea Maestroの両方の規格で作られた、さまざまな種類のスペシャル・メイクアップを継続的に提供し、多くの参加者から予約注文を受け、注文が一杯になったら生産に入るというものです。この方法は、より特殊なメイクアップを行うための非常に賢い方法であり、うまく機能することが証明されているため、他のいくつかのブランドもこのモデルを踏襲しています。
101482といういかにもな名前のモデルは、グレインレザーのクォーターブローグで、ダブルラバーソールが頑丈な靴になっているが、オックスフォードモデルで比較的細めのラストなので、それなりにエレガントな靴に仕上がっている。春先や秋口、夏の雨の日などには最適な靴です。 個人的にはシングルラバーソールの方が断然良かった。その方が靴にフィットして、より一層用途に合うと思う。
ミールミンから届いたモデルは、クラシックコレクションのもので、それゆえグッドイヤーウェルト加工が施されています。格安の靴であることは間違いない。 全体的に、彼らは大丈夫の建物の品質を感じるが、いくつかの曲がった縫い目、革のマークなどのいくつかの欠陥があるが、1 つの安いベンチメイドの靴のカップルのために数えることができない顕著な何もないです。ダブルソールは、アーチ部分のソールのエッジを細かくカットするのに苦労したので、少しラフな印象で、正直言ってすっきりしていない。もう一つの欠点は、(これは、事実上すべての格安の靴とより高価ないくつかのメーカーに適用されます) 彼らはかかと補強にプラスチックを使用していることです。これは、快適さに影響を与える、フィット感については、次の段落で詳細します。
ヒロラストは、丸みを帯びたトゥとかなりシャープなラインが特徴で、エレガントかつトラディショナルなデザインです。例えば、VassのFラストやCrockett & Jonesの236に少し似ていますね。私が持っている靴のサイズはUK10で、これは通常私の標準的なサイズですが、やや曖昧な表現をすれば、この靴は比較的「ジャストサイズ」と言えるでしょう。最初は、足の幅が一番広いボール部分が少しきつかったです。しかし、数回使用すると伸びました。
多くの人が経験したことだが、ミーアミンの靴は履き始めがとても硬く、時間がかかる。 かかとを除いては、すでに述べたように私は本当に、少なくともダブルソール靴のためにあまりにもハードだったとは言えないが、もちろん彼らはいくつかの時間を慣らすために必要な。
Shoegazingのフィット感の基準となっているキャピタルラストのLoake Aldwychと比較すると、全体的なフィット感は似ていますが、Hiroはキャピタルラストよりも少し小さめです。 例えば、どちらもヒール部分に少しゆとりがあり、甲の部分は普通です。
Meermin 101482 タン国カーフ間違いなく良い予算品質の靴は、非常に手頃な価格です。しかし、1 つの奇跡を期待しないでください、彼らは彼らの欠点が、160 ユーロの完璧さを期待するちょうど甘いです。リネア マエストロ行は少しより高価ですが、私の経験にも全体的な素敵な価格の価値があります。いつも聞かれることですが、他のメーカーとの比較をするなら、例えばLoake 1880やHerring Classic(LoakeとBarkerが製造)とほぼ同じ品質だと思います。しかし、ミーアミンのビジネスモデルは、中国での生産と直販により、高いコストパフォーマンスを実現しています。Meermin 問題のシェアを持っていたにもかかわらず彼らはまだ予算の品質靴市場の主要なプレーヤーとして自分自身を確立し、彼らはすべてのこれらの問題のホールドを取得する場合は、本当に、将来的にカウントするプレーヤーです。
I’m just concerned that the “Free Test Pair” they sent you may be of a higher quality than normal?. Next time it may be an idea just to purchase a pair and review them rather than making the company aware you are doing a review on your blog and them giving you a pair don’t you think?.
Carl: It’s always hard to balance these things, but if I wasn’t accepting pairs for review I wouldn’t be able to test as many brands as I can now. I both buy shoes which are reviewed and reveice free pairs for reviews. Of course it could be that brands check the shoes a bit extra before sending them to someone who will review them, but it’s not like they make special review shoes or anything. And of course I’ve handled and also owned other Meermin shoes except this pair, and nothing that has gotten me to change how I feel about them.
When I receive shoes for free for reviews I always write that, to be open with it and let readers have that info with them. And towards the brands I always tell them that even if they have given me the shoes, I will write whatever I feel about them, also criticism if that’s the case (which as you can see I have some towards the pair above as well). I always try to be as objective as possible, and if I would praise something and write somethingthat wasn’t correct it would backlash at me when people tried the products themselves with a completely different picture. If you as a reader don’t want to trust my reviews though, that’s of course up to you.
Hi Shoegazingblog.
I do trust the honesty in your reviews but being cynical I’m not 100% certain I trust the company’s sending you the free products. In this case as you say you’ve seen and handled other Meermin Shoes and I’m not saying they’ve sent you anything other than a “normal” pair of shoes but I’m sure some suppliers would double check the quality prior to sending you a “free” pair knowing you are going to review them on your blog. I’ve reviewed a number of “Fine Dining” restaurants on TripAdvisor but never tell the restaurant I’ll be doing a review. As you say obtaining a free pair allows you to test more brands. I don’t mean to sound doubtful or distrusting, keep up the good work. Carl.
Excellent, thoughtful review. I was familiar with the Meermin brand but learned so much about them from your post. Thanks for taking the time to educate your readers; I know more about what to look for in a shoe after reading this review.
Carl: I understand what you mean. I don’t think though that there can be too much of a difference between a shoe being checked before a review and what most customers get. Also, thanks for your kind words!
Leslie: Thank you very much, really appreciate it!
Hi J Ingevaldsson,
Nice review. I was told by the personel of Meermin at the shop, that the Linea Maestro was H. Welted here in Spain. Do you know whether this is true or not?
Rafael: Thanks! That’s not true, a bit of a shame that the store personnel say that. They are made in their Chinese factory, and then finished in Spain. But the hand welting definitely is made in China.
Thanks for your kind unswer J. Ingevaldsson,
So the outsoles and heels of both lines are mounted in Spain, is that what you mean?
Thanks again.
Rafael: I’m not sure exactly what is done in Spain, but since they refer to it as “finishing” I don’t think it’s any of the making, which includes stitching on outsoles and putting on heels. It’s probably only applicing color and polishing things up, maybe sole edge finishing and putting in the sock liner, things like that, which is done in Spain.
Thanks a lot again.
I bought a pair of Meermin’s DARK BROWN CALF shoes this autumn. They are as pretty as uncomfortable. After having wearing them for half a day I had to leave the office because my heels were literally bleeding. I then went to a shoe shop to soften the shoe’s back heel. They were surprised of how stiff the leather was. I wrote to Meermin´s customer service to share my experience, sent them a picture, and kindly asked them to get a refund or replacement. They answered me with a template email refusing to refund. If you want quality shoes and want to avoid feet injuries, I would recommend to look elsewhere.
I bought a pair of Meermin’s Oxford shoes this autumn. They are as pretty but extremely painful to wear. Customer Service is also poor. They answer with template email and no signature. If you want quality shoes and want to avoid feet injuries, I would recommend to look elsewhere.
Al: Sorry to hear that you weren’t pleased with your pair. Meermin’s Classic line are known to have quite hard heel stiffeners, although I didn’t experience it that bad. I understand that you would like to have your money back, but at the same time I understand that Meermin can’t accept that if there is nothing faulty with the shoes, if they have been worn. Hard heel stiffeners is not a factory error or anything like that.
That is a problem of bad fit.
Rafel: Yeah could be.
I have had a big issue with the customer service at Meermin. They take forever to respond, and don’t take anything seriously. Worst customer service I have ever experienced. Any ideas how to solve this?
RK: I’m sorry to hear that. I know they receive 100’s of e-mails everyday and are lacking the staff to answer them all properly, unfortunately. Maybe you can call their Madrid store and see if you can get some answers to anything more specific from them.
Hello, are those Loake capital’s the same size as the Hiro? I’ve heard that one should size down by half
Will: Yes they are the same size, and the Loake’s are much more roomy. Sizing down would be good, especially if you choose between two sizes.
Excellent Review! You mentioned that they had questionable customer service. My only issue with Meermin has been their customer service. I have been emailing them for over three months and have still not heard back. I sent them a pair for exchange because they sent me the wrong shoe, and I am very worried and annoyed, as I have made the payment already, but have not received anything. You seem to know Meermin well, is there anything I can do?
Their customer service is terrible to say the least. They take forever to respond to emails especially after you pay them.
How are the shoes as of 2016?
This is a HORRIBLE company. They sent me defective shoes and I sent them the pictures of defects and asked for replacement. They said they would arrange for pickup and replacement. Its been more than a week and they neither arrange for pickup nor reply my email. I have also communicated via facebook with no luck. I don’t know what to do with the defective shoes. BEWARE OF MEERMIN!
S: I understand your frustration, but hopefully it will be solved soon. They are very few in the company compared to what people think, and struggle with keep up with the customer service. It might therefore take longer than a week to solve a thing like that.