ほとんどの (うまくいけば) シューツリーの毎日を取り出したり、置くにもかかわらず、多くの人々 は、間違ったテクニックを使用して、不必要に複雑にすることができますこの操作を行います。ここでは、自分自身と靴の両方のトラブルを避けるために、これを行うための最善の方法を示しています。


特に今、ブーツのためのほとんどの季節は、彼らはしばしば、ツリーの取得とオフを取得するは難しいので、これは興味深いことができます。多くの場合、物事を行う方法を考えていない、1 つは、最も簡単なようで、なぜ多くのまっすぐな位置で靴の木、いわばをプルですを行う。以下は、どのように見えるかを説明しようとする写真のカップルです。


What many do wrong is that they hold the tree so it remains horizontal to the ground when one pull them out.


The problem is that the shoe tree is formed after the shape of the foot which is widest at the ball area, which must get through the slimmer instep of the shoe, which can be a bit tricky and often the shoe is stressed quite a bit here. When one insert the trees you often do it in the same way, creating the same problem again.





Was a little hard to capture on camera, but here I then started to twist out of the block.


Here the widest part of the shoe tree on the its way through the instep, which now with the rotation is easier.


When the shoe trees comes out angled it fits much better into the instep shape and the whole thing runs more smoothly and more gentle on the shoe. When you insert the trees you should do do exactluy the same, but in reverse. The shoes are the model Treviso Nero from Italigente, the shoe trees are Skoaktiebolaget's own travel trees made of very lightweight obeche wood (which, however, is excellent as a full-time shoe tree as well.
